Modis Quickstart


If you want to run Modis for yourself you'll need:

If you're not sure how to get these, we've got a quick guide for each of them below:

Python 3.7.4

Modis is currently running on Python 3.7.4. If you don't have this version of Python installed, check the guide for your OS below:

Python installation - Windows
  1. Go to the Python downloads page for Python 3.7.4.
  2. Scroll down a bit, and download the Windows x86-64 executable installer if you're on 64-bit, or the Windows x86 executable installer if you're on 32-bit. (You can also click those links to download them without going to the website)
  3. Run the installer. Check the box for Add Python 3.7 to PATH.

    If you picked Customize installation, check Add Python to environment variables on the second options page.

That's it! We don't need to install all the Python packages manually as they are included with the Modis for Windows download.

If you're not using the provided Python venv, just install all the requirements with pip like usual.

Python installation - OS X
  1. Open Terminal, paste the command /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" and press Enter to download Homebrew.

    Homebrew is a package manager for OS X. You don't have to use it, but it will make setting up Modis easier and we recommend getting it.

  2. After Homebrew is installed, run brew install python in Terminal to install the latest version of Python.
  3. Python packages WIP
Python installation - Linux/Raspi

If you use Linux you don't need our help installing Python.

If you're installing Modis onto a Raspberry Pi (Raspbian), the process is a lot more involved and you will need to compile Python 3.7.4 yourself. We have a separate guide for installing Modis on Raspbian that you should use instead of this one.


FFmpeg is required for Modis to use voice features of Discord (such as playing music with the music module). If you don't intend to use any modules that use voice functionality then you can skip this step.

FFmpeg installation - Windows

FFmpeg is provided with Modis for Windows. No installation needed.

If you're not using the provided Python venv, just get a build from here and make sure that the folder containing ffmpeg.exe can be found in PATH.

FFmpeg installation - OS X
  1. Run brew install ffmpeg --with-opus in Terminal.
  2. Restart your computer.
FFmpeg installation - Linux

The usual.

Discord bot account

We need to create a bot account through which Modis which interact with your server. You've probably seen these before for other bots; they look just like normal accounts but with a blue BOT tag next to their username. If you don't know how to make a Discord bot account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Discord in your browser
  2. Go to the My Apps section of the Discord developer's page (if you aren't logged in to Discord you'll need to do that as well).
  3. Click the blue New Application button on the top right.
  4. Give your bot a name (you can change it at any time) and click Create.
  5. Take note of the CLIENT ID; this is needed to create the invite link to invite your bot to servers. If you'd like to add a profile picture and description to your bot, you can do so now.
  6. On the left menu, go to the Bot tab.
  7. Click Add Bot, then Yes, do it!
  8. We suggest turning off PUBLIC BOT as it allows anyone with your bot's client ID to add your bot to their server without you knowing.
  9. Click Click to Reveal Token and take note of the token. KEEP THIS TOKEN SECRET; it is equivalent to a PASSWORD. Always make sure your bot token is not visible when posting screenshots for help in the Modis Discord server. Anyone with your bot token can do anything your bot has permission to do. For example, if the bot has admin permissions, they could wipe your Discord server.

You should now have a CLIENT ID (username) and a TOKEN (password). We'll use these later, so keep them safe somewhere. If you'd like to add a profile picture and description to your bot, you can do so on the General Information tab.

Installing Modis

Once you've got all the prerequisites sorted, follow the instructions for your OS below to download and install Modis:

Modis installation - Windows
  1. Go to the Modis Releases page and pick the flavour of Modis for Windows that you want.
  2. Unzip and chuck the contents in a folder somewhere.

That's it! Run #START MODIS.bat to start Modis.

Modis for Windows is almost completely portable; it'll work with full functionality on any Windows computer with Python 3.7.4 installed. You can move the folder wherever you like, whenever you like.

Modis installation - OS X


Modis installation - Linux


Using Modis

Once you've got Modis installed, here's a few things to take note of to get started with hosting your bot:


If have problems with getting Modis running, try the Troubleshooting section for FAQs. If you don't find a solution there, then feel free to join our Discord Server to ask your questions.